a) Master Musicians of Bukkake- Bukkake sunrise (Abduction)
b) Sachiko- Anro (Utech)
c) Fursaxa- Saxalainen (Sylph)
d) Big City Orkestre- Cockiness breeds carelessness (Drone)
a) del disco The Visible Sign Of The Invisible Order (2004).
b) del disco Anro (2012).
c) del disco Kobold Moon (2008).
d) del disco Drone Gnomes (2007).
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Non 63
Peter Brötzmann
a) William Parker/Charles Gayle Duo- Entrusted Spirit (Dedicated to Bilal Abdur Rahman) (No Business)
b) John Butcher & Mark Sanders- Glowstick (Emanem)
c) Peter Brötzmann Chicago Tentet- ... To Sleep in (Smalltown Superjazz)
d) Wadada Leo Smith- Thurgood Marshall and Brown vs. Board of Education: A dream of equal education, 1954 (Cuneiform)
a) de la antologia Centering: Unreleased Early Recordings 1976-1987 (2012).
b) del disco Daylight (2012).
c) del disco Walk, Love, Sleep (2012).
d) del disco Ten Freedom Summers (2012).
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Non 62
Thomas Köner
a) Thomas Köner- Novaya Zemlya 3 (Touch)
b) Dariush Dolat-Shahi- Zahab (Dead Cert)
c) Lee Gamble- Razor (PAN)
d) Eugene Carchesio- Circle music 6 (Room 40)
e) Andy Stott- Expecting (Modern Love)
f) Oneohtrix Point Never- Stone of spiritual understanding (NNA Tapes)
g) NON/Boyd Rice- Turn me on, dead man (Reprise) (Mute)
h) Vatican Shadow- Cairo is a haunted city (Mythic chords) (Modern Love)
i) Russell Haswell- Sheffield (Editions Mego)
j) Jefre Cantu-Ledesma- The golden bough (En/Of)
a) del disco Novaya Zemlya (2012).
b) del disco Electronic Music, Tar And Sehtar (1985/RE:2012)
c) del disco Diversions 1994-1996 (2012).
d) del disco Circle Music (2012).
e) del disco Luxury Problems (2012)
f) del split Oneohtrix Point Never/Rene Hell (2012).
g) del disco Back To Mono (2012).
h) del disco Ornamented Walls (2012).
i) del disco Factual (2012).
j) del disco Visiting the World (2012).
a) Thomas Köner- Novaya Zemlya 3 (Touch)
b) Dariush Dolat-Shahi- Zahab (Dead Cert)
c) Lee Gamble- Razor (PAN)
d) Eugene Carchesio- Circle music 6 (Room 40)
e) Andy Stott- Expecting (Modern Love)
f) Oneohtrix Point Never- Stone of spiritual understanding (NNA Tapes)
g) NON/Boyd Rice- Turn me on, dead man (Reprise) (Mute)
h) Vatican Shadow- Cairo is a haunted city (Mythic chords) (Modern Love)
i) Russell Haswell- Sheffield (Editions Mego)
j) Jefre Cantu-Ledesma- The golden bough (En/Of)
a) del disco Novaya Zemlya (2012).
b) del disco Electronic Music, Tar And Sehtar (1985/RE:2012)
c) del disco Diversions 1994-1996 (2012).
d) del disco Circle Music (2012).
e) del disco Luxury Problems (2012)
f) del split Oneohtrix Point Never/Rene Hell (2012).
g) del disco Back To Mono (2012).
h) del disco Ornamented Walls (2012).
i) del disco Factual (2012).
j) del disco Visiting the World (2012).
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Non 61
David S. Ware RIP
a) Shayna Dulberger- The Monks Part I & II (Empty Room)
b) Lotz/Kneer- The mammal thing (Evil Rabbit)
c) Shayna Dulberger- Improvisation II. When I Think About You I Hate Myself (Self Released)
d) David S. Ware, Cooper-Moore, William Parker, Muhammad Ali- Duality is one (AUM Fidelity)
e) Stian Westerhus- Like passing rain through 9 lives (Rune Grammofon)
f) Boris Hegenbart- 16m (Staubgold)
g) Zbigniew Karkowski- Nerve Cell_0 (Sub Rosa)
a) del disco The Basemen Recordings (2011).
b) del disco u-ex(perimntal) (2012).
c) del disco The Kill Me Trio (2007).
d) del disco Planetary Unknown (2012).
e) del disco The Matriarch And The Wrong Kind Of Flowers (2012).
f) del disco Instrumentarium (2012).
g) del disco Nerve Cell_0 (2012).
a) Shayna Dulberger- The Monks Part I & II (Empty Room)
b) Lotz/Kneer- The mammal thing (Evil Rabbit)
c) Shayna Dulberger- Improvisation II. When I Think About You I Hate Myself (Self Released)
d) David S. Ware, Cooper-Moore, William Parker, Muhammad Ali- Duality is one (AUM Fidelity)
e) Stian Westerhus- Like passing rain through 9 lives (Rune Grammofon)
f) Boris Hegenbart- 16m (Staubgold)
g) Zbigniew Karkowski- Nerve Cell_0 (Sub Rosa)
a) del disco The Basemen Recordings (2011).
b) del disco u-ex(perimntal) (2012).
c) del disco The Kill Me Trio (2007).
d) del disco Planetary Unknown (2012).
e) del disco The Matriarch And The Wrong Kind Of Flowers (2012).
f) del disco Instrumentarium (2012).
g) del disco Nerve Cell_0 (2012).
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Non 60
a) Chihei Hatakeyama- Betelgeuse (Small Fragments)
b) Gilles Aubry- Part 3 (Winds Measure)
c) Kassel Jaeger- Campo de cielo (Editions Mego)
d) Thought Broadcast- Emergency stairway (Editions Mego)
e) Aaron Dilloway/Jason Lescalleet- Burning nest (PAN)
a) del disco Norma (2012).
b) del disco S6t8r (2009).
c) del disco Deltas (2012).
d) del disco Emergency Stairway (2012).
e) del disco Grapes and Snakes (2012).
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Non 59
a) Mika Vainio / Kevin Drumm / Axel Dörner / Lucio Capece- II (PAN)
b) Demdike Stare & Billy Green- Toadstrip (Finders Keepers)
c) Keiji Haino, Jim O'Rourke, Oren Ambarchi- Ready and waiting ready and tired of waiting this happiness hovers for a while opaque... (Black Truffle)
d) Keiji Haino/Stephen O'Malley/Oren Ambarchi- Not to leave everything to the light outside of you but to be aware of the prayer "What do I want to do?" that exists inside you, and let that go out of you as a light, or things might get worse, no? (Ideologic Organ)
a) del disco Venexia (2012).
b) del EP Make Do & Mend EP 1 (2012).
c) del disco Imikuzushi (2012).
d) del disco Nazoranai (2012).
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Non 58
Giles Corey
a) Ras G- Broken cartridge! (Leaving)
b) Sculpture- Data corporation (Dekorder)
c) Alexei Borisov & Anton Nikkilä- Mission to Moscow (N & B Research Digest)
d) Kay Grant and Alex Ward- Absolutely (not) (Emanem)
e) Beñat Achiary & Didie Lasserre- III (Amor Fati)
f) KARST- Tomber du ciel des forme étranges (Insubordinations)
g) Anne-James Chaton with Alva Noto and Andy Moor- Chapitre: En ville (Raster Noton)
h) Giles Corey- Infinite death (Enemies List)
a) del disco El-Aylien Part II: C.razy A.lien (2012).
b) del disco Toad Blinker (2011).
c) del disco Live at Belly (2008).
d) del disco Fast Talk (2011).
e) del disco Hors Ciel (live)- En sa propre nuit (2011).
f) del disco Toujours Trainer Des Formes Étranges (2009).
g) del disco Décade (2012).
h) del disco Desconstructionist (2012).
a) Ras G- Broken cartridge! (Leaving)
b) Sculpture- Data corporation (Dekorder)
c) Alexei Borisov & Anton Nikkilä- Mission to Moscow (N & B Research Digest)
d) Kay Grant and Alex Ward- Absolutely (not) (Emanem)
e) Beñat Achiary & Didie Lasserre- III (Amor Fati)
f) KARST- Tomber du ciel des forme étranges (Insubordinations)
g) Anne-James Chaton with Alva Noto and Andy Moor- Chapitre: En ville (Raster Noton)
h) Giles Corey- Infinite death (Enemies List)
a) del disco El-Aylien Part II: C.razy A.lien (2012).
b) del disco Toad Blinker (2011).
c) del disco Live at Belly (2008).
d) del disco Fast Talk (2011).
e) del disco Hors Ciel (live)- En sa propre nuit (2011).
f) del disco Toujours Trainer Des Formes Étranges (2009).
g) del disco Décade (2012).
h) del disco Desconstructionist (2012).
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Non 57
Marzette Watts
a) Shayna Dulberger- The swings (Empty Room)
b) Alice Coltrane- A love supreme (Impulse!)
c) Jon Balke- Circular (ECM)
d) Eyvind Kang- Invisus natalis (Ipecac)
e) Eivind Opsvik- White armour (Loyal)
f) Hangedup and Tony Conrad- Principles (Constellation)
g) Saint Dirt Elementary School- Zombies love dancin' to this number (Barnyard)
h) Andre Vida- Wire in my heart (PAN)
i) Mostly Other People Do The Killing- Evans city (Clean Feed)
j) Marzette Watts & Company- La (ESP Disk)
a) del disco The Basement Recordings (2011).
b) del disco World Galaxy (1972).
c) del disco Magnetic Works 1993-2001 (2012).
d) del disco The Narrow Garden (2012).
e) del disco Overseas IV (2012).
f) del disco Transit Of Venus (2012).
g) del disco Abandoned Ballroom (2011).
h) del disco Brud Vol. 1 (2011).
i) del disco The Coimbra Concert (2011).
j) del disco Marzette Watts & Company (1966; RE:2012).
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Non 56
Richard Skelton
a) Fennesz- Nemuru (Ash International)
b) Manrico Montero- Umbral No. 2 (SEM)
c) Ólafur Arnalds- For Teda (Erased Tapes)
d) Richard Skelton- Of the sea (Corbel Stone Press)
e) Sky Burial- Movement II: Within and without (Utech)
f) El Sueño Y Las Larvas- La escalera inaudita (Abolipop)
a) del disco AUN-The Beginning And The End Of All Things (2012).
b) del compilada 5Y (2012).
c) del sencillo Two Songs For Dance (2012).
d) del disco Verse Of Birds (2012).
e) del disco Aegri Somnia (2011).
f) del disco La Escalera Inaudita (2012).
a) Fennesz- Nemuru (Ash International)
b) Manrico Montero- Umbral No. 2 (SEM)
c) Ólafur Arnalds- For Teda (Erased Tapes)
d) Richard Skelton- Of the sea (Corbel Stone Press)
e) Sky Burial- Movement II: Within and without (Utech)
f) El Sueño Y Las Larvas- La escalera inaudita (Abolipop)
a) del disco AUN-The Beginning And The End Of All Things (2012).
b) del compilada 5Y (2012).
c) del sencillo Two Songs For Dance (2012).
d) del disco Verse Of Birds (2012).
e) del disco Aegri Somnia (2011).
f) del disco La Escalera Inaudita (2012).
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Non 55
Ashtray Navigations
a) Mount Vernon Arts Lab- The Vauxhall labyrinth (Via Satellite/Ghostbox)
b) Demdike Stare- Erosion of mediocrity (Modern Love)
c) Eric Zann- The human chord (Ghost Box)
d) Golden Retriever- Canopy (Thrill Jockey)
e) Sculpture- Iterative deviation (Dekorder)
f) Stephen Kilroy- 45 degrees below frozen (Xpressway/Avalanche)
g) Ashtray Navigations- Sotto voce krispy oto (Was ist das?/Hibernate)
h) Fursaxa- Kokopelli (Sylph)
i) Beru- Sing over me (Armed Within Movement)
j) Oren Ambarchi- Fractured mirror (Touch)
k) Jurgen Muller- Coral Fantasy (Digitalis)
a) del disco The Seance At Hobs Lane (2001/RE:2007).
b) del disco Elemental (2012).
c) del disco Ouroborindra (2005).
d) del disco Occupied With The Outspoken (2012).
e) del disco Toad Blinker (2011).
f) del compilado Xpressway Pile=Up (1988/RE:1990).
g) del compilado In Support of Tom Carter (2012).
h) del disco Kobold Moon (2008).
i) del split Beru/Adam Beckley (2012).
j) del disco Audience Of One (2012).
k) del disco Science Of The Sea (2011).
a) Mount Vernon Arts Lab- The Vauxhall labyrinth (Via Satellite/Ghostbox)
b) Demdike Stare- Erosion of mediocrity (Modern Love)
c) Eric Zann- The human chord (Ghost Box)
d) Golden Retriever- Canopy (Thrill Jockey)
e) Sculpture- Iterative deviation (Dekorder)
f) Stephen Kilroy- 45 degrees below frozen (Xpressway/Avalanche)
g) Ashtray Navigations- Sotto voce krispy oto (Was ist das?/Hibernate)
h) Fursaxa- Kokopelli (Sylph)
i) Beru- Sing over me (Armed Within Movement)
j) Oren Ambarchi- Fractured mirror (Touch)
k) Jurgen Muller- Coral Fantasy (Digitalis)
a) del disco The Seance At Hobs Lane (2001/RE:2007).
b) del disco Elemental (2012).
c) del disco Ouroborindra (2005).
d) del disco Occupied With The Outspoken (2012).
e) del disco Toad Blinker (2011).
f) del compilado Xpressway Pile=Up (1988/RE:1990).
g) del compilado In Support of Tom Carter (2012).
h) del disco Kobold Moon (2008).
i) del split Beru/Adam Beckley (2012).
j) del disco Audience Of One (2012).
k) del disco Science Of The Sea (2011).
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Non 54
Wadada Leo Smith
a) Steve Lacy- The rush (Emanem)
b) The Louie Belogenis Trio with Sunny Murray & Michael Bisio- Divination (Porter)
c) Wadada Leo Smith- Dred Scott: 1857 (Cuneiform)
d) David S. Ware, Cooper-Moore, William Parker, Muhammad Ali- Divination unfathomable (AUM Fidelity)
e) Charles Gayle Trio- March of April (Northern Spy)
f) Fire! with Oren Ambarchi- A man who might have been screaming (Rune Grammofon)
a) del disco Avignon And After Volume 1 (2012).
b) del disco Tiresias (2011).
c) del disco Ten Freedom Summers (2012).
d) del disco Planetary Unknown (2011).
e) del disco Streets (2012).
f) del disco In The Mouth A Hand (2012).
a) Steve Lacy- The rush (Emanem)
b) The Louie Belogenis Trio with Sunny Murray & Michael Bisio- Divination (Porter)
c) Wadada Leo Smith- Dred Scott: 1857 (Cuneiform)
d) David S. Ware, Cooper-Moore, William Parker, Muhammad Ali- Divination unfathomable (AUM Fidelity)
e) Charles Gayle Trio- March of April (Northern Spy)
f) Fire! with Oren Ambarchi- A man who might have been screaming (Rune Grammofon)
a) del disco Avignon And After Volume 1 (2012).
b) del disco Tiresias (2011).
c) del disco Ten Freedom Summers (2012).
d) del disco Planetary Unknown (2011).
e) del disco Streets (2012).
f) del disco In The Mouth A Hand (2012).
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Non 53
Marielle V Jakobsons
a) Willits + Sakamoto- Levitation (Ghostly)
b) Iannis Xanakis- Concert PH (Bleep)
c) Black Unicorn- Celetal supersanity (Deep Distance)
d) Marielle V Jakobsons- Cobalt Waters (Students Of Decay)
e) Architeuthis Rex- Basiliscus (Utech)
f) Black Sky Chant- 67 Km of capricorn (Aguirre)
g) Transgresorcorruptor- Transgresorcorruptor One (Static)
a) del disco Ancient Future (2012).
b) del compilado Bleep: A Guide To Electronic Music (2012).
c) del disco Rediscovering Infinity (2012).
d) del disco Glass Canyon (2012).
e) del disco Urania (2011).
f) del disco I'll Sleep Until I See The Moon (2012).
g) del disco Transgresorcorruptor (2012).
a) Willits + Sakamoto- Levitation (Ghostly)
b) Iannis Xanakis- Concert PH (Bleep)
c) Black Unicorn- Celetal supersanity (Deep Distance)
d) Marielle V Jakobsons- Cobalt Waters (Students Of Decay)
e) Architeuthis Rex- Basiliscus (Utech)
f) Black Sky Chant- 67 Km of capricorn (Aguirre)
g) Transgresorcorruptor- Transgresorcorruptor One (Static)
a) del disco Ancient Future (2012).
b) del compilado Bleep: A Guide To Electronic Music (2012).
c) del disco Rediscovering Infinity (2012).
d) del disco Glass Canyon (2012).
e) del disco Urania (2011).
f) del disco I'll Sleep Until I See The Moon (2012).
g) del disco Transgresorcorruptor (2012).
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Non 52
Duane Pitre
a) Richard Skelton- A Kill (Corbel Stone Press)
b) HELM- Minatures (PAN)
c) Duane Pitre- Feel free section II (Important)
d) Motion Sickness Of Time Travel- Colour changing eyes (A Guide To Saints)
e) Clathrus- Kharkiv architectonic (Steak Au Zoo)
f) Keiji Haino/Stephen O'Malley/Oren Ambarchi- Not a joy to come closer but so-called a sacred insanity has finally appeared (Ideologic Organ/Editions Mego)
a) del disco Verse of Birds (2012).
b) del disco Impossible Symmetry (2012).
d) del disco Feel Free (2012).
e) del disco Traces (2012).
f) del disco Balaklava Boating (2012).
g) del disco Nazoranai (2012).
a) Richard Skelton- A Kill (Corbel Stone Press)
b) HELM- Minatures (PAN)
c) Duane Pitre- Feel free section II (Important)
d) Motion Sickness Of Time Travel- Colour changing eyes (A Guide To Saints)
e) Clathrus- Kharkiv architectonic (Steak Au Zoo)
f) Keiji Haino/Stephen O'Malley/Oren Ambarchi- Not a joy to come closer but so-called a sacred insanity has finally appeared (Ideologic Organ/Editions Mego)
a) del disco Verse of Birds (2012).
b) del disco Impossible Symmetry (2012).
d) del disco Feel Free (2012).
e) del disco Traces (2012).
f) del disco Balaklava Boating (2012).
g) del disco Nazoranai (2012).
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Non 51
Hildur Guðnadóttir
a) En- Elysia (Students Of Decay).
b) Hildur Guðnadóttir- Leyfðu Ljósinu (Touch).
c) KTL- Study A (Editions Mego).
a) del disco Already Gone (2012).
b) del disco Leyfðu Ljósinu (2012).
c) del disco V (2012).
a) En- Elysia (Students Of Decay).
b) Hildur Guðnadóttir- Leyfðu Ljósinu (Touch).
c) KTL- Study A (Editions Mego).
a) del disco Already Gone (2012).
b) del disco Leyfðu Ljósinu (2012).
c) del disco V (2012).
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Non 50
Acid Mothers Temple & The Melting Paraiso U.F.O.
a) Franco D'Andrea- Clusters N. 2 + Half the fun (El Gallo Rojo)
b) KiKu Trio- Trio 3 (Veto)
c) Acid Mothers Temple & The Melting Paraiso U.F.O.- Son of a bitches brew (Important)
d) Sonny Sharrock- As we used to sing (Axiom)
e) Mostly Other People Do The Killing- Pen argyl (Clean Feed)
f) Charles Gayle Trio- Tribulations (Northern Spy)
a) del disco Traditions And Clusters (2012).
b) del disco Méthane (2009).
c) del disco Son Of A Bitches Brew (2012).
d) del disco Ask The Ages (1991).
e) del disco The Coimbra Concert (2011).
f) del disco Streets (2012).
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Non 49
Carter Tutti Void
a) Atom™- Tiefebene (Raster Noton)
b) My Cat Is An Alien- Fragments suspended in time (Oh sunrise) (Elliptical Noise)
c) David Toop & John Zorn- Chen Pe'i Pe'i (Virgin)
d) Damian Valles- Track 2 (Experimedia)
e) Robert Hampson- Antarctica ends here (Editions Mego)
f) Carter Tutti Void- V4 Studio (Slap 1) (Mute)
g) Vatican Shadow- Gunmen with silencer (Blackest Ever Black)
h) Chris Corsano- Not Now Not Later Not Ever (Hot Cars Warp)
a) del disco Winterreise (2012).
b) del disco What Space Is Made For (2011).
c) del compilado Ocean Of Sound (1996).
d) del disco Nonparallel In Four Movements (2012).
e) del disco Répercussions (2012).
f) del disco Transverse (2012).
g) del disco Iraqi Praetorian Guard (2012).
h) del disco Cut (2012).
a) Atom™- Tiefebene (Raster Noton)
b) My Cat Is An Alien- Fragments suspended in time (Oh sunrise) (Elliptical Noise)
c) David Toop & John Zorn- Chen Pe'i Pe'i (Virgin)
d) Damian Valles- Track 2 (Experimedia)
e) Robert Hampson- Antarctica ends here (Editions Mego)
f) Carter Tutti Void- V4 Studio (Slap 1) (Mute)
g) Vatican Shadow- Gunmen with silencer (Blackest Ever Black)
h) Chris Corsano- Not Now Not Later Not Ever (Hot Cars Warp)
a) del disco Winterreise (2012).
b) del disco What Space Is Made For (2011).
c) del compilado Ocean Of Sound (1996).
d) del disco Nonparallel In Four Movements (2012).
e) del disco Répercussions (2012).
f) del disco Transverse (2012).
g) del disco Iraqi Praetorian Guard (2012).
h) del disco Cut (2012).
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Non 48
Eivind Opsvik
a) Thollem/Parker/Cline- In a life (Porter).
b) John Zorn- The undead (Tzadik)
c) Iskra 1903- Cohesion 1B (Emanem).
d) Eivind Opsvik- Det kalde havet (Loyal)
e) Christoph Erb- Mokotòw Part II (Veto)
f) Veryan Weston/Ingrid Laubrock/Hannah Marshall- Courtesy of none (Emanem)
g) Liana Pailodze- Solos & sequences 2 (Mutable)
h) Vijay Iyer Trio- Little pocket size demons (ACT)
a) del disco The Gowanus Session (2012).
b) del disco Nosferatu (2012).
c) del disco Goldsmiths (1972) (2011).
d) del disco Overseas IV (2012).
e) del disco Veto (2007).
f) del disco Haste (2012).
g) del disco JB Floyd Another Time And Place; Music For Pianist and Yamaha Disklavier (2011).
h) del disco Accelerando (2012).
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Non 47
Charlie Nothing
a) Margaret Dygas- Pg. 21 (Power Shovel Audio)
b) Sudden Infant- Zombie lullaby (SSSM)
c) Lunt- L'alteration 2 (Tsuku Boshi)
d) Hlp3- Side b (Tsuku Boshi)
e) Bérangère Maximin- Where the skin meets the bone (Sub Rosa)
f) Dan Joseph- Wind pattern (Mutable)
g) Steve Lacy- The Gap (Emanem)
h) Charlie Nothing- In eternity with Brother Fredrick (Takoma)
a) del disco How Do You Do? (2010).
b) del disco Ear Wash (2003).
c) del disco Entre Le Cristal Et La Fumée (2011).
d) del disco In Linguas Stat Virtus (2012).
e) del disco No One Is An Island (2012).
f) del disco Tonalization (For the Afterlife) (2011).
g) del disco The Sun (2012).
h) del disco The Psychedelic Saxophone of Charlie Nothing (1967).
a) Margaret Dygas- Pg. 21 (Power Shovel Audio)
b) Sudden Infant- Zombie lullaby (SSSM)
c) Lunt- L'alteration 2 (Tsuku Boshi)
d) Hlp3- Side b (Tsuku Boshi)
e) Bérangère Maximin- Where the skin meets the bone (Sub Rosa)
f) Dan Joseph- Wind pattern (Mutable)
g) Steve Lacy- The Gap (Emanem)
h) Charlie Nothing- In eternity with Brother Fredrick (Takoma)
a) del disco How Do You Do? (2010).
b) del disco Ear Wash (2003).
c) del disco Entre Le Cristal Et La Fumée (2011).
d) del disco In Linguas Stat Virtus (2012).
e) del disco No One Is An Island (2012).
f) del disco Tonalization (For the Afterlife) (2011).
g) del disco The Sun (2012).
h) del disco The Psychedelic Saxophone of Charlie Nothing (1967).
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Non 46
Jeph Jerman
a) Eli Keszler- Cymbal, bass drum, clarinet (NNA Tapes)
b) Insub Meta Orchestra- Et si (Insubordinations)
d) Signal Quintet- One (Cut)
e) Wolfgang Voigt- Rückverzauberung 3.1 (En/Of)
f) Etant Donnes- Untitled 4 (Touch)
g) Clathrus- Kharkiv architectonic (Self Released)
a) del split Eli Keszler/Keith Fullerton Whitman (2012).
b) del disco Archive # 1 (2012).
c) del disco And This (2006).
d) del disco Yamaguchi (2006).
e) del disco Colonia 1975-Rückverzauberung 3 (2011).
f) del disco Aurore (1990).
g) del disco Balaklava Boating (2011).
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Non 45
a) Istituzioni Ambienti Naturalismo- Coeur domestique (Monstres Par Excès)
b) Dan Senn- Czech rail, Section 10 (Aphasia)
c) Hogo- Kola Borehole SG-3 (Tsuku Boshi)
d) Andrew Chalk- Side B (ICR)
e) Andrea Belfi- D (Room40)
f) David Sait w/Gino Robair- The history of shape and glue (aPPRISe)
g) The Orkustra- Punjab's barber (Mexican Summer)
h) Erland Dahlen- Piratman (Hubro)
a) del disco Coeur Domestique (2009).
b) de la compilacion The Sound We Are Now (2007).
c) del disco Overpainted Music (2011)
d) del disco Harvest (1988)
e) del disco Wege (2012).
f) del disco Time-Delayed Free Improvisations (2009).
g) del disco Adventures In Experimental Electric Orchestra From The San Francisco Psychedelic Underground (2009)
h) del disco Rolling Bomber (2012).
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Non 44

Moritz Von Oswald Trio
a) Moritz Von Oswald Trio- Horizontal structure 5 (Honest Jon's)
b) eRikm- Sossusvlei (Room 40)
c) Andrea Belfi- C (Room 40)
d) Demdike Stare- Erosion of mediocrity (Modern Love)
e) Oval- Tweakk (Shitkatapult)
f) Kabutogani- Ducts x Absent = propostion 3 mx (Electroton)
g) Black Rain- Biotechno 1 and 2 (Blackest Ever Black)
h) Pete Swanson- Man with potential (Type)
i) Dalglish- 7.2005 (Record Label/Highpoint Lowlife)
j) Ben Vida- EnnerForrance (Esstend III) (Pan)
a) del disco Horizontal Structure (2011).
b) del disco Transfall (2012).
c) del disco Wege (2012).
d) del disco Elementa Part Threel: Rose (2012).
e) del disco OvalDNA (2011).
f) del disco Cymma (2011).
g) del disco Now I'm Just A Number (2012).
h) del disco Man With Potential (2011).
i) del disco Benacah Drann Deachd (2011).
j) del disco 'esstends-Esstends-Esstends' (2012).
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Non 43

Simon Balestrazzi
a) Aelter- Clarity I (Eternal Warfare/Handmade Birds)
b) Deep-Pression- Northern pomerania movie edition (Self-Released)
c) Simon Balestrazzi- Persistence of memory (Boring Machines)
d) Teatro Satanico- Gatto (Steinklang)
a) del disco Aelter III (2011).
b) del disco Northern Pomerania movie Edition (2012).
c) del disco The Sky Is Full Of Kites (2012).
d) del disco Black Magick Block (2008).
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Non 42

Steve Lacy
a) Zusaan Kali Fasteau- Cosmopolis (Flying Note)
b) Rampersaud Shaw Martin Neal Krakowiak- Take me to your leader (Barnyard)
c) Steve Lacy- The woe- The wax (Emanem)
d) Perfumed Nightmare- The empress (From The Wheelchair To The Pulpit)
e) Undivided- What a big quiet nose (Multikulti)
f) Nobu Stowe & Alan Munshower with Badal Roy- Trio VI (Soul Note).
a) del disco Prophecy: The Whale & The Elefant Trade Notes on the State of the World (1993/Re:2011).
b) del disco Halcyon Science130410 (2011).
c) del disco The Sun (2011).
d) del disco Underpass (2006).
e) del disco Moves Between Clouds; Live in Warsaw (2011).
f) del disco An die Musik (2008).
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Non 41

BIll Dixon
a) William Parker- Green mountains (for Bill Dixon) (Centering)
b) The Bill Dixon Orchestra- Voices (RCA)
c) Andre Vida- Child real eyes (Pan)
d) Roland P Young- Twirling (EM)
e) Mostly Other People Do The Killing- Evans city (Clean Feed)
f) Bon-No-Kubo- Untitled 6 (P.S.F.)
g) SYCH- Hermetic mosaic (Strange Attractors Audio House)
h) AIMToronto Orchestra- Year of the boar (Barnyard)
i) Kyle Bruckmann's Wrack- Exacerbator (Porter)
a) del disco Crumbling in The Shadows is Fraulein Miller's Stale Cake (2011).
b) del disco Intents And Purposes (1967).
c) del disco Brud Vol. I (2011).
d) del disco Istet Serenade (2009).
e) del disco The Coimbra Concert (2011).
f) del disco 盆ノ窪 (2009).
g) del disco Lunar Roulette (2011).
h) del disco Year Of The Boar (2011).
i) del disco Cracked Refraction (2012).
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Non 40

Demdike Stare
a) Oren Ambarchi- Passage (Touch)
b) Mpala Garoo- Fatu Hiva feeling (Digitalis)
c) Demdike Stare- Falling off the edge (Modern Love)
d) The Caretaker- Approaching the outer limits of our solar system (History Always Favours The Winners)
e) Axs- Island at the brink of time (Silent Season)
f) Rusted Rainbow- Bella convulsa (Tiger Asylum)
g) Porter Ricks- Biokinetics 2 (Chain Reaction)
h) Oval- Instantan 1+2 (Shitkatapult)
i) Supersilent- 11.3 (Rune Grammofon)
j) Eli Keszler- Cold Pin I (PAN)
a) del disco Audience Of One (2012).
b) del disco Sur Satori (2011).
c) del disco Elemental Part Three:Rose (2012).
d) del disco Patience (After Sebald) (2012).
e) del disco Arctic Circle (2011).
f) del disco Machine Translation of Texts (2010).
g) del disco Biokinetics (1996)
h) del disco OvalDNA (2011).
i) del disco 11 (2010).
j) del disco Cold Pin (2011).
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Non 39

Ivor Kallin de Barrel
a) Sachiko & Fukuoka Rinji- Prayer of a fool 2011 (Musik Atlach)
b) Torlesse Super Group- Erewhon Sentinel Number 1 (Rebis)
c) Barrel- Moths and feathers (Emanem)
a) del disco áTOMO∑ (2011).
b) del disco TSG (2011).
c) del disco Gratuitous Abuse (2011).
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Non 38

Eyvind Kang
a) Daphne Oram- Food preservation (Paradigm)
b) Christina Kubisch- Ocigam trazom (Important)
c) John Wiese- Burn out (Pan)
d) Peterlicker- Raised on rock (Editions Mego)
e) Peter Rehberg- Black holes (Editions Mego)
f) Stare Case- Don't get caught (De Stijl)
g) Eyvind Kang- Visible breath (Ideologic Organ)
a) del disco Oramics (2007).
b) del disco Mono Fluido (2011).
c) del disco Seven Of Wands (2011).
d) del disco Nicht (2011).
e) del disco Work For GV 2004-2008 (2008).
f) del disco Lose Today (2001).
g) del disco Visible Breath (2011).
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Non 37

James Hoff
a) James Hoff- How Wheeling Feels When The Ground Walks Away (Pan)
b) Sudden Infant- Cripple cum inside (SSSM)
c) Quatuor Cassini & Beñat Archiary- La Paroi (Amor Fati)
d) The New Blockaders- Simphonie In X Major (Second Movement) (Hypnagogia)
a) del disco How Wheeling Feels When The Ground Walks Away (2011)
b) del disco Ear Wash (2003).
c) del disco Le Peuple Des Falaises (2009).
d) del disco Simphonie in X Major (1991/RE: 2011)
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Non 36

Evan Parker
a) Jimmy Bennington Trio- Twelve bars (That Swan!)
b) Stephen Riley- Lucky seven (SteepleChase)
c) Heikki Sarmanto Big Band- The dream of it (Porter)
d) Evan Parker/Wes Neal/Joe Sorbara- At somewhere there (Barnyard)
a) del disco Another Friend the Music of Herbie Nichols (2007).
b) del disco Lucky Seven (2011).
c) del disco Everything Is It (2011).
d) del disco At Somewhere There (2011).
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