BIll Dixon
a) William Parker- Green mountains (for Bill Dixon) (Centering)
b) The Bill Dixon Orchestra- Voices (RCA)
c) Andre Vida- Child real eyes (Pan)
d) Roland P Young- Twirling (EM)
e) Mostly Other People Do The Killing- Evans city (Clean Feed)
f) Bon-No-Kubo- Untitled 6 (P.S.F.)
g) SYCH- Hermetic mosaic (Strange Attractors Audio House)
h) AIMToronto Orchestra- Year of the boar (Barnyard)
i) Kyle Bruckmann's Wrack- Exacerbator (Porter)
a) del disco Crumbling in The Shadows is Fraulein Miller's Stale Cake (2011).
b) del disco Intents And Purposes (1967).
c) del disco Brud Vol. I (2011).
d) del disco Istet Serenade (2009).
e) del disco The Coimbra Concert (2011).
f) del disco 盆ノ窪 (2009).
g) del disco Lunar Roulette (2011).
h) del disco Year Of The Boar (2011).
i) del disco Cracked Refraction (2012).